i have many skills


And one of my most finely honed skills is task avoidance.

For some reason, I just do NOT want to do the neckline on the serk I’m working on. No idea why. So instead of doing that tonight, I grabbed a box of scraps that’s sitting in my home office (my erstwhile sewing room) and went through it, folding up the scraps and remembering the projects I made from each fabric.

There’s the dress I made that turned out too big, but I have some of the linen outer fabric and the lovely patterned cotton lawn lining. There’s the striped cotton fabric I used to make pants for my late husband, and linen that I used for tunics for him. There’s the nursery cotton I used to make a bucket hat for a coworker’s baby several years ago, and the corduroy I tried to make shorts out of (zipper flies are the devil). There’s quite a lot of orange linen that I want to take a better look at; Lord knows what I’ll do with it, but I might get inspired. And there’s a huge chunk of purple crepe that I will never use, and will end up donating, I think.

No sooner did I finish folding that stack, than I realized there was a whole ziploc bag of scraps that I need to go through, so I guess I’ll get stuck in with that when I press post on this. And there’s the bin downstairs that’s full too. I guess I need to find something to do with small bits of fabric. Anyone need mending done?


I haven’t forgotten …


winding down…