day one hundred twenty two: #teamdoitanyway

#teamdoitanyway is an East Kingdom rallying cry usually applied to the self-discipline you have to bring to bear to do a workout when you'd rather sit on the #teamdontwanna couch. Tonight, however, I'm applying it to this belt, because I wanted to do just about anything rather than make it.

It took me all afternoon to do the impressed line designs.


I was just really not feeling the enthusiasm for this project... And then I got the dye on it. It's just Tandy Waterstain in medium brown, but it is so pretty.


I applied Dr. Jackson's Hide Rejuvenator with my fingers and rubbed it in, making sure to work the strap and make it supple. There is a certain amount of softness that only time can provide, but this is better than it was. I'm in love with this belt now. I may need to wear it with civvies.



with hide rejuvenator on the left, without on the right

i'm also pretty infatuated with my apron

I'm going to go to bed now, and get up in the morning and finish this belt. I need to piece the length and put on the hardware. Hopefully it won't take long. Night, y'all.


I finished.


day one hundred twenty-one: nope, not finished yet