day ninety-one: as dog is my witness, i will finish this thing tomorrow

The second sleeve is done. That went much more smoothly.


i didn't take any process pictures because i was on social Zoom all evening

And then I trimmed the bottom edge into a curve, turned it and pressed it (I want a tailor's clapper so bad) and got started hemming it.


It might take a while, but I really hope to get this done tomorrow. I don't have a lot to say about it, because I mean... it's hemming. There really isn't a lot to say about it. It's just getting it done at this point.

So that's a task for tomorrow. I have to get up in the morning and get shit done because it's month-end. Bedtime. Night, y'all.


day ninety-two: Iā€™M DONE


day ninety: how many times can I redo a sleeve before it's right?