day ninety-three: happy new year

I didn't do much today except try to clean up the sewing room so I can start the next project: my coat. Cannot wait. Apparently, and I need to verify this, they were lined with wool. If that's the case, this is going to be amazing.


i love drawing diagrams for cutting layouts

The back is going to be easy; it's mostly a big rectangle with shoulder slopes (you know, shaping) and a curve for the neckline. I'm not even worried about that. I'm not that worried about the front, either, but that may be famous last words. I'm only giving myself a day or two to pattern this. I have a lot to get through this month.


i mean, how beautiful is this?

I might line this with the yellow wool I bought to make my tunic out of, but I only have two yards of it, so I might piece the sleeves with something else.

So that's the current plan. It's late and it's snowing and I should probably to bed so I can get up and do a mockup in the morning.

Night, y'all.


day ninety-four: one more mock-up


day ninety-two: I’M DONE