day ninety-six: light speed

Once I decided how I wanted to proceed last night, I had a super-clear picture in my head of how to do it, and I had that in my head because I made the Viborg shirt.

I cut the small piece of yellow fabric (68” long x 56” wide) and cut it into quarters. Then I cut the blue fabric into similar-sized pieces and turned the top edges of two blue and two yellow pieces under by 1/2”. I stacked the pieces with the two blue pieces together and the yellow pieces on the outside, and started sewing, using the seaming technique from the Viborg shirt. In later centuries, it would become known as the English stitch. I think of it as magic.


I’m so stinking happy right now. It’s been a long time since I leapt into a project like this, with a really clear image of how to proceed. I can’t tell you how it makes my heart sing.

later... I GOT SO MUCH DONE.

All three body panels are cut (more or less) to shape, the shoulders are attached, the front angles are turned and basted together, and one side seam has the lining basted to the outer fabric. The other side needs some serious evening up, but that's something for tomorrow.

I think tomorrow I'll cut sleeves. I want to see if I can get them out of the remaining yellow fabric so I can line the whole coat — though if I can't line them in wool, I might line them in silk.

I am completely and utterly chuffed with my progress. I need to suss something out with the back neckline, but I'll sleep on it. This is going great guns. I can hardly believe it.

I'm going to go to bed and dream dreams of more projects that are successful the first time around. Night, y'all.


yes, this is inside out. it will look more interesting later.


day ninety-eight


day ninety-five: realization