day ninety-nine: cumulative

I can scarcely believe how quickly this coat is coming together. I started it on Monday. It's now Thursday and the left side is all but done.


i think it will be awesomely comfy, too

The sleeve is not closed yet. I learned that lesson the hard way on the tunic. I'll worry about the length and taper of the sleeves towards the end of construction. Now that I'm really thinking about it, it would probably be best to get the neckline done before I fine tune the sleeves, so it's sitting correctly on my neck and shoulders.


i marked the back neckline with four pink threads

I'm really excited to get this done. This run for time is going better than I expected, but that really follows from the lessons I learned from making the shirt and the tunic.

I very much want to do a whole wrap-up thing with photos and captions at the end of the challenge. It might need to wait for April, though. I am not mad at my current progress in any way, though.

I was up far too late the last two nights, so I'm throwing in the (hand-sewn linen) towel. Night, y'all.


day one hundred: what’s left


day ninety-eight