day one hundred: what’s left

I was just going to go to bed and make an entry tomorrow, but then I realized that this was day one hundred, and how could I not post an entry on day one hundred? So here I am.

The coat is coming along really well. I attached the right sleeve tonight and closed up the side seam. I still have to finish the edges of the slit, but there are bigger things I think I’d rather work on first, like adjusting and closing the sleeves, and binding the neckline and front opening. After that, it’s just the aforementioned finishing on the slit and hemming the bottom and cuffs (which I might bind, actually) and I’m done.


i’m going to cut that part off anyway

The last thing to do is make a belt, and that will go quickly once I get the strap. I’ve purchased a buckle in case I run out of time to make the bone buckle, which I think will happen. I’m okay with it. Giving myself permission to go with Plan B has taken a ton of pressure off, and I really needed that.

I’m not sure what I’m doing tomorrow, so I’m going to bed in case I need to get up early. Well, earlier than my usual on a weekend. I’m really happy with where I’m at with this coat. I’ll sleep well on this one. Night y’all.


day one hundred and three: yep still here


day ninety-nine: cumulative