day one hundred and five: harder than it needed to be

I finished sewing the silk binding on the front edge and neck of my coat. It looks great and was way more annoying than I expected it to be. I had to remind myself that getting it done was more important than getting it perfect.

I tried to tell myself that I can take it off later and fix it, but really. Let's be honest. That's not going to happen. And to be even more honest, I will be pretty much only me who knows what's wrong with it, and (dear god, we're heading for radical honesty territory here) I will be the only one who cares.

It looks great. Putting burnt orange on a blue coat lined with pale yellow was a good call. I need to do the bottom and cuff hems still, but now that I have the front edges done, the rest is not so daunting.

I haven't gotten enough sleep the last week or so, so I'm headed for bed. Just a little more work to do and this coat will be done. The last thing I need to do is make a belt, but that shouldn't take too long.

I'll be glad to be done with this project. I've learned so much. I'm looking forward to teaching some classes based on the shirt, for sure. For now, though, I'm for bed. Night, y'all.


day one hundred and seven: hem and haw


day one hundred and three: yep still here