day one hundred and seven: hem and haw

I got the sleeves bound last night.


it goes so much easier when you do it right the first time

I got started on evening up the bottom edges so I could bind them, but as I looked at it, I had second thoughts about finishing it that way.

I still have to make my accessory layer. Hopefully, it will be a belt with a bone buckle, but if I don't get to finish that, I have a metal buckle and belt tip that I can use. I bought the belt strips at Tandy Leather tonight, so that's ready to go.

Given that I still have to make that last item, I don't want to spend a lot of time finishing the coat while still making it look sharp.


this is how i finished the side slits

I think this is how I'm going to finish the bottom, except I think I'm going to sew some red silk thread into the stitches. Trust me, it'll be gorgeous.

So Between Two Peers is on. I'm going to get my sewing situated and settle in to enjoy. Stand by for updates.


this looks better than it has any right to

Of the three sections of the bottom hem, one is complete. One is ready to get started tomorrow, and every time I start the process I get better at it. The back should be really easy, since the binding of edges is fully complete. For now, though, it’s well past my bedtime. Night, y’all.


day one hundred and eight: DING


day one hundred and five: harder than it needed to be