day one hundred sixteen: one last push

Last night I started warping a loom to tablet weave some trim — I'm doing the “Key Shanks with Teeth” pattern from page 70 and 71 of Applesies and Fox Noses. I decided to do a tubular selvedge, which is not in the pattern, so I added an extra card on either side to make that possible.

I hate warping. My inner saboteur kept me busy procrastinating with iPad games.

Now that the loom is warped and I've done some intro picks to establish the width and get the feel of using wooden cards (Pro Tip: loosen your tension. No, more than that. That's too much; put some back), I can confidently state two things:

I LOVE my Windhaven Farm Cello floor loom. I don't think they make them any more because shipping costs have gone up so much.

Tubular selvedges are the BOMB and look so good and are THE way to go if you don't want your weft to show on the edges. And they're EASY. Take a look.

Yay weaving! I'm going to try to get at least one repeat done before I have to run out for a while.

Holy smoke, I'm exhausted. I had to unweave quite a bit on only the second repeat, and then I had to go ahead and finish because YOU CAN’T STOP IN THE MIDDLE OF A REPEAT YOU WILL NEVER FIND YOUR PLACE AGAIN.

Did I mention that it took me all afternoon to make the pattern show up on top of the weaving? Yeah. It was very that.

It looks good though.


i love this pattern

So now that I'm at this point, I gotta go. Hopefully I'll get to do one more repeat tonight. Each one is about two inches.


i need to do approximately 50 of these.

Gotta run. Night, y'all.


day one hundred seventeen: all forward progress counts


day one hundred and eight: DING