day one hundred seventeen: all forward progress counts

Weaving continues. 17 inches done so far, and a lot of really annoying unweaving. I think I have the work flow sussed out, and I've figured out how to work best with these cards.

They do not like to turn as a pack. As long as I keep track of what row I'm on, I can turn the cards quickly and efficiently one at a time. Thanks to my counter app, it's pretty easy to keep track. So I put my iPad up in front of me, binge watch Father Brown, prop my phone with the tally app next to it, and zoom zoom!

So hopefully, now that my ducks are all in the same pond, if not the same row, hopefully I'll make some real progress on this trim. I need about 50” which I think I cando if I buckle down.

For now, though, sleepy time. Night, y'all.


day one hundred nineteen: penultimate


day one hundred sixteen: one last push